
All of my sensors say "Unavailable" but Arming/Disarming still works. no clue how to debug this

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Description of the bug

All of the sensors on my panel now say "unavailable" in Home Assistant. They do not report anything or respond when opened/closed or motion triggered. However, communication with the panel isn't completely broken as arming/disarming the panel from HA still works.

Restarting HA and rebooting the HA box doesn't help. Some sensors come back but eventually they all go back to being unavailable.

I've attached the diagnostics file available from the Device Info page.
mqtt-2d3d6d14cb6f9ed58fa2914cacd238ff-Qolsys Panel-e50da4ca7cde69b7f5cd9f514e3f9481.json.txt

Expected behavior

The expected behavior is for the sensors to report their actual state and not say "unavailable"

Screenshot 2023-03-23 at 5 14 06 PM

DEBUG logs

Here's a sample log entry from the debug mode. Nothing stands out to me

2023-03-23 17:11:00.688352 DEBUG qolsys_panel: call_service: mqtt/publish, {'namespace': 'mqtt', 'retain': True, 'topic': 'homeassistant/binary_sensor/garage_window/config', 'payload': '{"name": "Garage Window", "device_class": "door", "state_topic": "homeassistant/binary_sensor/garage_window/state", "payload_on": "Open", "payload_off": "Closed", "availability_mode": "all", "availability": [{"topic": "homeassistant/alarm_control_panel/qolsys_panel/availability", "payload_available": "online", "payload_not_available": "offline"}, {"topic": "homeassistant/binary_sensor/garage_window/availability", "payload_available": "online", "payload_not_available": "offline"}, {"topic": "mqtt-client/status", "payload_available": "online", "payload_not_available": "offline"}], "json_attributes_topic": "homeassistant/binary_sensor/garage_window/attributes", "enabled_by_default": true, "unique_id": "qolsys_panel_s1700a3", "device": {"name": "Qolsys Panel", "identifiers": ["qolsys_panel"], "manufacturer": "Qolsys", "model": "IQ Panel 2+", "connections": [["mac", "3c:31:78:57:90:d1"]]}}'}

Additional context

No response

Hmm when I click in on one of the sensors I get this error.

Screenshot 2023-03-23 at 5 20 19 PM

Ok digging again, I now have duplicate sensors...

For example I have binary_sensor.back_door which is unavailable and binary_sensor.back_door_2 which is available.

XaF commented

Did you update to 1.3.0 recently?
I had done some testing to avoid that but it seems #95 might be the culprit. I made that change to make sure that sensors would keep their configuration in home assistant across changes of the panel, but I believe there might be a side effect for running installations, since the unique ID of the sensors now changed.

XaF commented

It shouldn't, #95 was to stabilize the names! I'll make sure to mark as breaking change any such change of the unique ids in the future if it might happen again!