
Support for IQ Pro?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Wondering if anyone has tried this implementation with the newer IQ Pro? Not seeing any mention in docs, issues, PRs, etc.

mtwo commented

I was about to post the same question! I currently have a DSC Neo, which is unable to communicate with Home Assistant, but the IQ Pro can be used as a drop in replacement for it without needing new keypads or wireless sensors. Swapping to an IQ Pro and being able to use my alarm with Home Assistant would be very compelling.

mtwo commented

There's a note on a discussion about the Hubitat Qolsys driver that the Pro should be supported. I think that they use the same mechanism as the Home Assistant driver, which is promising.

Pretty sure I'm the first to attempt using this with an IQ Pro, and I can report some limited success.

  • I was able to enable Control4 integration on the latest firmware (4.2.3n as of writing)
    • Needed to use the Dealer code, not the installer code. If you try to use the installer code, when you get to the "3RD Party" screen in the Wi-Fi menu in Devices, it will just give you the cryptic message "There are no available options for this panel". Using the dealer code makes the Control4 option show up.
    • Also needed to have 6 digit codes enabled.
  • I was able to install qolsysgw according to the instructions, and configure it as instructed. Default control 4 port (12345) was fine, etc.
  • After installing and configuring, I was able to get almost (see below) all of my sensors showing up in HA. The sensors react to state changes as expected (doors report open and closed correctly, motion sensors work, etc).
    • I will note that I only have wired sensors currently on HSM2108 modules, no PowerG sensors yet
  • Only sensor that didn't show up correctly was the Tamper sensor on the IQ Pro box itself, and a warning came up in the AppDaemon log about it:
2024-02-28 18:43:05.004632 WARNING qolsys_panel: sensor of unknown type: {'id': '651008CB', 'type': 'Tamper Sensor', 'name': 'Main Cabinet', 'group': 'tamperzone', 'status': 'Open', 'state': '0', 'zone_id': 9, 'zone_physical_type': 1, 'zone_alarm_type': 3, 'zone_type': 123, 'partition_id': 0}
  • Currently I am not able to arm or disarm the system. When I click the button in HA to "Arm Home" or "Arm Away", nothing happens. I'm not immediately able to see anything referencing this in the logs I see, but I'm pretty new to HA so I might not be looking in the right places. @XaF I can try to get you whatever info you need for this.

Overall, super excited about this. My main intended use case for qolsysgw is triggering automation actions based on sensor states, so as it is this seems to be working fine enough for that use case. I'm sure other users would like the arm/disarm capabilities though. Thank you @XaF so much for this awesome integration.