
Undefined variable $mailables

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, thanks for this great plugin, it really helps a lot.

I have issue when I moved everything to the server from my xampp, I'm getting error "Undefined variable $mailables" in [resources / views / vendor / mailbook / list.blade.php : 3].

PHP 8.2.16
Laravel 10.48.3

Mailbook routes file is same on my xampp and server, but on server there is no $mailables from some reason.

Can you please advice?


Hello! Glad you like mailbook.

  • What mailbook version do you have installed?
  • Can you verify that your view cache has been cleared? php artisan view:clear
  • Does this issue also happen when you install mailbook in a empty project?
composer create-project laravel/laravel mailbook-issue-76
cd mailbook-issue-76
composer require xammie/mailbook
php artisan mailbook:install
php artisan serve

I manage to fix the issue when I downgraded from version 1.8 to 1.7. Before that I tried to clear view cache and all other caches as well. Will try to install on empty laravel and let you know.

Have you been able to reproduce this issue on a clean install? I'm closing this issue for now.