
question about config

gwlegion opened this issue · 1 comments

hi ... in my configuration i got two graphs ... CPU temp, and exeternal temp
Is there an easy way to draw the delta between them ?
cputemp-external temps.
i think it's a good way to know if a higher cpu temperature is normal or due to a hogh cpu activity

I found no way to substract the one temp fromn the other (I have little experience with this stuff), but you could create a third data source, which is basically the temp of the CPU minus the avg external temp at idle (we set a static value for this, this is not very accurate, but will give you some hint if the diff is higher as usual)
e.g. your CPU is at idle at about 40°C, the external temp is avg. 30°C.
So we grab the current CPU temp and substract 30°C:

dynamic.2.postprocess=int(($1/10 + 0.5)/100)-30

Then you have just add one more line to show the graph in the statistics:
make sure it's graph.2! add this after the graph.1 line, like:

web.statistics.1.content.1.ds_graph_options.soc_temp.label=Core temperature (°C)