V 1.0.1 Song not downloaded during Live play
Opened this issue · 4 comments
Previously I was using v 0.5.0 and everything worked fine.
Yesterday I updated to v 1.0.1 (downloaded and unzip both the zip files and the archive db zip files).
Game works normally untill I clicked the Live button, and all the song are marked need to be download, and nothing happens after I clicked it. This is with the cheat account and the new account.
However Auto Slive viewer version works fine with all the songs.
I had another user reporting this and added some log to debug that. So if you can enable the log in the option (gamepad icon on the title screen, check info & error log). Then run the game until the live screen and press the download song button which does nothing. Then post here the result log so I can try to understand what's happening.
Thanks, I think I have the informatio I need from the log. I don't know when I'll be able to fix it but I'll tell you when it's done, or if I need more info.
Replace the data with the archive and PC patch in the "Install on PC with Unity Editor" section of the Wiki to solve the problem.
The game data dump with android and db directories. You can download it here :
Google Drive : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DkJTZTH7w4zVNdJGkZZZeSwrPAi-MqTx/view?usp=drive_link
Also this archive :
Google Drive : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AVh205ldMWKijHWwbE-M1FN8d0kg0w-6/view?usp=drive_link