
Add a license

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I was thinking LGPL, but I would like input from other people, especially from literally the only other person who knows this project exists (matgenius04)

I was thinking LGPL, but I would like input from other people, especially from literally the only other person who knows this project exists (matgenius04)

Hmm. I think just normal GPL might be better just to keep everything more open source. We can also always change the license later, right?

Yeah, I changed my mind later bc like what's the point, this isn't a library anyways

EDIT: Actually, you kinda can't change the license later if you make the license GPL, if I'm not mistaken, we'd have to obey the strong copyleft of the license too and we wouldn't be able to change it

Actually, I just found this: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/why-affero-gpl.html

I think that might be kinda important in our circumstance