
Incompatible latest versions

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Iam using github.com/xenitab/go-oidc-middleware and github.com/xenitab/go-oidc-middleware/oidcechojwt in my golang project. With the latest go-module update I got this entries in my go.mod file:

github.com/xenitab/go-oidc-middleware v0.0.43
github.com/xenitab/go-oidc-middleware/oidcechojwt v0.0.41

This versions leads to compiler errors.

# github.com/xenitab/go-oidc-middleware/oidcechojwt
../../vendor/github.com/xenitab/go-oidc-middleware/oidcechojwt/echo_jwt.go:26:16: cannot use description (variable of type options.ErrorDescription) as context.Context value in argument to errorHandler: options.ErrorDescription does not implement context.Context (missing method Deadline)
../../vendor/github.com/xenitab/go-oidc-middleware/oidcechojwt/echo_jwt.go:26:29: cannot use err (variable of type error) as *options.OidcError value in argument to errorHandler

This is because type ErrorHandler in https://github.com/XenitAB/go-oidc-middleware/blob/0d8f58d70ec482f8255a41ef1d41b4cb74cdc6f0/options/options.go#L50C73-L50C73 has changed since version 0.42 to type ErrorHandler func(ctx context.Context, oidcErr *OidcError) *Response
To solve this isssue please provide a new tagged version v0.0.43 for github.com/xenitab/go-oidc-middleware/oidcechojwt.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Hi @deschmih!

The module oidcechojwt has been deprecated in favor for oidcecho. Would it be possible to switch over to it for you?

I believe this is a product of #256 (and #260). The new oidcecho package should be a drop-in replacement. However, I see that I did not update the README properly to say that we retired the old module. We should have some migration instructions here https://github.com/XenitAB/go-oidc-middleware#echo-jwt-parsetokenfunc (and stop talking about the parsetokenfunc).

@deschmih Main branch now has a bit of changelog to say what changed. Did you manage to switch to oidcecho?