
Add an option to launch Playstation games via Remote Play?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Basically, I want to click on my game, and have it open Chiaki (a Remote Play alternative).

However, even after creating an action to launch the Remote Play executable, I still get the error pop-up window explaining that I can't install PlayStation games on my computer (I know!!)

Here is a support thread I made on the Playnite reddit asking the same question and giving more insight into my goal.

One of the developers suggest I make this a plugin-specific request, so here I am. They said specifically: "ask the PSN plugin developer to add an option to launch games via Chiaki instead of showing an error (including settings install state to installed for PSN games)."

Am new to Playnite as of about 5 hours ago, so I don't really have a clue what I'm doing. If this is solvable without an edit to your (btw amazing) plugin, please lmk! I can't figure it out for the life of me.

Thank you in advance.

Nvm I'm really, truly dumb. Sorry for the bother. To anyone as stupid as I am looking for the solution, check the aforementioned reddit thread.