
Get Invoices paging with IDs

Closed this issue · 6 comments

SDK you're using (please complete the following information):

  • Version 4.23.0

Describe the bug
As per the developer documentation when paging for invoices each page will contain up to 100 invoices. However, when paging using IDs query parameter the maximum number of IDs that we can pass into this query parameter is 52. This limits us to 52 invoices per request instead of 100 invoices per request.

We suspect this is a "max character limit per query parameter" set on your gateway where 53 IDs in the IDs query parameter exceeds this limit. This limitation makes us hit our rate limits quicker than expected.

Endpoint being called (IDs removed as the URL is very long with 53 IDs)

GET https://api.xero.com/api.xro/2.0/Invoices?IDs=61548c60-b5ff-460c-acba-7963b9879adc,[53 invoice IDs]&page=1

To Reproduce
Using an HTTP client create a request to the /Invoices endpoint. Set page query parameter to = 1. Set IDs query parameter = 53 valid invoices IDs

Expected behavior
We expect the API to return 100 invoices per page when being passed 100 invoice IDs in the IDs query parameter

Using 53 invoices IDs API returns 404 (even though these IDs do exist)

Using 52 invoices IDs API returns 52 invoices

Hi @lancedfr, thanks for reporting this. I have transferred the issue over to our Open API Spec since the issue is happening at the API level and not specific to the Java SDK.

Hi @lancedfr, since this restriction is due to the overall character length of the request url you could provide the InvoiceNumber instead of the InvoiceId. InvoiceNumbers are typically shorter than InvoiceIds which are a GUID (36 characters).

There is a bit about this in the Developer Centre docs
Retrieving a filtered set of resources
The number of parameters is only limited by the maximum url length. To ensure you receive a timely response from the API, we recommend you look to retrieve in a batch of 40.

Hi @rdemarco-xero Thanks for this suggestion. We have updated our solution to retrieve invoices by InvoiceNumber instead of GUID. This still reaches the character length of the request parameter. We have been debugging the Xero JDK and found that the resolved URL being invoked is


As you can see InvoiceNumbers= is being repeated.

When running the below HTTP GET command (after removing the repeated InvoiceNumbers=) we manage to get all 100 invoices by number.

GET https://api.xero.com/api.xro/2.0/Invoices?InvoiceNumbers=I-3051,INV-0525,I-3052,I-3053,I-3055,I-3063,I-3060,INV-0530,I-3065,INV-0533,I-3066,INV-0538,INV-0539,INV-0540,I-3072,INV-0546,INV-0547,INV-0548,I-3077,I-3079,INV-0552,I-3089,I-3090,I-3092,INV-0554A1,I-249,I-251,I-252,I-254,I-256,I-257,I-258,I-259,I-261,I-263,I-264,I-265,I-3105,INV-0562,I-3106,INV-0565,I-3108,I-3109,I-3112,I-1973,I-3114,I-3115,I-3116,I-3118,I-3120,I-3122,I-3124,INV-0572,I-3125,I-3126,INV-0576,INV-0577,INV-0578,INV-0579,INV-0580,INV-0581,I-3131,I-3132,I-3134,I-3137,I-3139,I-3142,I-3143,I-3145,I-3146,INV-0596,INV-0598,INV-0599,I-3152,I-3154,I-3160,I-3162,INV-0603,INV-0607,INV-0608,I-3166,I-3167,I-3168,I-3170,I-3171,I-3172,I-3175,I-3177,I-3181,I-3185,I-3186,I-3197,I-310,I-311,I-314,I-317,I-323,I-326,I-3190,I-3192&page=1&includeArchived=false&createdByMyApp=false&unitdp=2&summaryOnly=false

When running the below HTTP GET command (which is what the Xero JDK URL resolves to) we do not get all 100 invoices by number. Instead we get Response code: 404 (Not Found); Time: 826ms (826 ms); Content length: 47 bytes (47 B)

GET https://api.xero.com/api.xro/2.0/Invoices?InvoiceNumbers=I-3051&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0525&InvoiceNumbers=I-3052&InvoiceNumbers=I-3053&InvoiceNumbers=I-3055&InvoiceNumbers=I-3063&InvoiceNumbers=I-3060&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0530&InvoiceNumbers=I-3065&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0533&InvoiceNumbers=I-3066&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0538&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0539&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0540&InvoiceNumbers=I-3072&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0546&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0547&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0548&InvoiceNumbers=I-3077&InvoiceNumbers=I-3079&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0552&InvoiceNumbers=I-3089&InvoiceNumbers=I-3090&InvoiceNumbers=I-3092&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0554A1&InvoiceNumbers=I-249&InvoiceNumbers=I-251&InvoiceNumbers=I-252&InvoiceNumbers=I-254&InvoiceNumbers=I-256&InvoiceNumbers=I-257&InvoiceNumbers=I-258&InvoiceNumbers=I-259&InvoiceNumbers=I-261&InvoiceNumbers=I-263&InvoiceNumbers=I-264&InvoiceNumbers=I-265&InvoiceNumbers=I-3105&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0562&InvoiceNumbers=I-3106&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0565&InvoiceNumbers=I-3108&InvoiceNumbers=I-3109&InvoiceNumbers=I-3112&InvoiceNumbers=I-1973&InvoiceNumbers=I-3114&InvoiceNumbers=I-3115&InvoiceNumbers=I-3116&InvoiceNumbers=I-3118&InvoiceNumbers=I-3120&InvoiceNumbers=I-3122&InvoiceNumbers=I-3124&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0572&InvoiceNumbers=I-3125&InvoiceNumbers=I-3126&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0576&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0577&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0578&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0579&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0580&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0581&InvoiceNumbers=I-3131&InvoiceNumbers=I-3132&InvoiceNumbers=I-3134&InvoiceNumbers=I-3137&InvoiceNumbers=I-3139&InvoiceNumbers=I-3142&InvoiceNumbers=I-3143&InvoiceNumbers=I-3145&InvoiceNumbers=I-3146&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0596&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0598&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0599&InvoiceNumbers=I-3152&InvoiceNumbers=I-3154&InvoiceNumbers=I-3160&InvoiceNumbers=I-3162&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0603&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0607&InvoiceNumbers=INV-0608&InvoiceNumbers=I-3166&InvoiceNumbers=I-3167&InvoiceNumbers=I-3168&InvoiceNumbers=I-3170&InvoiceNumbers=I-3171&InvoiceNumbers=I-3172&InvoiceNumbers=I-3175&InvoiceNumbers=I-3177&InvoiceNumbers=I-3181&InvoiceNumbers=I-3185&InvoiceNumbers=I-3186&InvoiceNumbers=I-3197&InvoiceNumbers=I-310&InvoiceNumbers=I-311&InvoiceNumbers=I-314&InvoiceNumbers=I-317&InvoiceNumbers=I-323&InvoiceNumbers=I-326&InvoiceNumbers=I-3190&InvoiceNumbers=I-3192&page=1&includeArchived=false&createdByMyApp=false&unitdp=2&summaryOnly=false

We still think this is an issue that should be resolved. Thanks @RettBehrens for the recommendation to fetch 40 invoices at a time, this still reaches the URL length limit for us (as our invoices numbers can be up to 9 chars long) because the Xero JDK makes the URL unnecessarily too long by duplicating InvoiceNumbers= in the URL.

When reviewing the java doc for the UriBuilder (the class the Xero JDK uses to build the URL) we can see the queryParam(String name, Object... values) method states "If multiple values are supplied the parameter will be added once per value.". This causes the duplicating of InvoiceNumbers= in the URL.

I managed to update the com.xero.api.client.AccountingApi class to use String.join(",", invoiceNumbers) to join the list of strings to a comma separated string (Which is what the API expects for InvoiceNumbers).

if (invoiceNumbers != null) {
  String key = "InvoiceNumbers";
  Object value = invoiceNumbers;
  if (value instanceof Collection) {
    uriBuilder = uriBuilder.queryParam(key, String.join(",", invoiceNumbers));
  } else if (value instanceof Object[]) {
    uriBuilder = uriBuilder.queryParam(key, (Object[]) value);
  } else {
    uriBuilder = uriBuilder.queryParam(key, value);

This works because one comma separated string is being passed into queryParam method rather than multiple values. When testing this the resolved URL is now shorter and all 100 invoices are returned.


I believe the com.xero.api.client.AccountingApi class is generated from a template and my fix won't work as is. I'm happy to implement this fix; I'm just not sure where your templates reside for me to fix.