
getInvoiceByInvoiceNumber is needed in AccountingApi

Amberon opened this issue · 2 comments

Version 2.6.0

getInvoiceByInvoiceNumber is missing in AccountingApi.
There is getContactByContactNumber but no such method for Invoice

You can do this via getInvoices


Put the invoice number you want in the array $invoiceNumbers, you can set most of the other values to null and it will return matching records

@willhemming got it!

Code example for ya:

$if_modified_since = new \DateTime("2019-01-02T19:20:30+01:00"); // \DateTime | Only records created or modified since this timestamp will be returned
$if_modified_since = null;
$where = 'Type=="ACCREC"'; // string
$where = null;
$order = null; // string
$ids = null; // string[] | Filter by a comma-separated list of Invoice Ids.
$invoice_numbers = "INV-0039"; // string[] |  Filter by a comma-separated list of Invoice Numbers.
$contact_ids = null; // string[] | Filter by a comma-separated list of ContactIDs.
$statuses = array("DRAFT", "SUBMITTED");;
$page = 1; // int | e.g. page=1 – Up to 100 invoices will be returned in a single API call with line items
$include_archived = null; // bool | e.g. includeArchived=true - Contacts with a status of ARCHIVED will be included
$created_by_my_app = null; // bool | When set to true you'll only retrieve Invoices created by your app
$unitdp = null; // int | e.g. unitdp=4 – You can opt in to use four decimal places for unit amounts

$apiResponse = $apiInstance->getInvoices($xeroTenantId, $if_modified_since, $where, $order, $ids, $invoice_numbers, $contact_ids, $statuses, $page, $include_archived, $created_by_my_app, $unitdp);