
get invoice as pdf show me error

izhar77 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Warning: settype(): Invalid type in D:\xampp\htdocs\xero\vendor\xeroapi\xero-php-oauth2\lib\AccountingObjectSerializer.php on line 312

$invoiceID = "15b39203-5567-4244-8e08-f6401e5f7e50";
$unitdp = 4;
try {
$result = $accountingApi->getInvoiceAsPdf($xeroTenantId, $invoiceID,$unitdp);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AccountingApi->getInvoiceAsPdf: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

looking to resolve with #281

I have this same issue.

Same issue

@timothystringer I've just double checked this using our php sample app and xero-php-oauth2 2.14.0 and i'm unable to replicate the error. Can you confirm which version you're using?

The rollback resolved it for me

@timothystringer I've just double checked this using our php sample app and xero-php-oauth2 2.14.0 and i'm unable to replicate the error. Can you confirm which version you're using?

Sorry my mistake, haven't got the latest version!

closing resolved