
Case insensitive query not supported

meshin opened this issue · 1 comments

Xero API supports case insensitive queries with ToLower(). Example:
GET /api.xro/2.0/Contacts?where=Contact.Name.ToLower().Contains("abc")

I can't find implementation of it in the gem. Is there any?

Monkeypatching doesn't work. My query is:

client.accounting_api.get_contacts(tenant_id, order: 'Name ASC', where: {
                                     name: ['Contains', query.to_s],
                                     is_customer: ['==', true],
                                     contact_status: ['=', 'ACTIVE']
rjaus commented

Hey @meshin

We're not looking to support these filters within the official SDK's. They should work tho, so if you want to add them, by all means. But we won't be adding official support to the SDK's ourselves.