
Unicode trouble

mcandre opened this issue · 2 comments

rsync correctly handles paths with Unicode characters, such as Баскетбол.НБА.Милые-Атланта.5-й_матч.01.07.2021.1080р.50fps.Сетанта.Флудилка.mkv.

Both zsh and screen correctly show these characters while rsync is processing file transfers. However, progress -M corrupts many of these Cyrillic characters.

Can we please work to improve this output to more accurately reflect the true filenames? I am not sure if the proc system is to blame or the Xfennec application code, the problem could be in either component or both components.

I made a fix for that, maybe you can check this version

I test with the exact filename as yours and it works now.

This fix is now merged into master (thanks @BestPig ).