
Generate descriptor.mod files from launcher (Launcher will not show new mods)

retrogatling opened this issue · 4 comments

I've had no problems with it for the month or so that I've been using it, since the actual launcher for the game is completely non-functional. About a week ago it stopped updating with the new mods I've been subscribing to - I've tried reinstalling the mods and the launcher to no avail.

Once you install a new mod you have to open the Paradox Launcher to generate the new mod files because the launcher doesn't support that feature yet. Try opening Paradox Launcher, give it idk a few mins to do it's thing and see if you have the new mods. I will leave this issue open until further notice.

It's definitely not an issue with your launcher, as the mods I've recently subscribed to also do not show up in the original launcher, as it finally started working. Not sure what I'm gonna have to do to get these mods to show up somewhere.

Well that's just Paradox V2 Launcher xD. Try reinstall it honestly because it happened to me too but I don't remember how I fixed it. Meanwhile I will mark this as high priority, change the name of the issue and start working on a way to generate mod files from the launcher instead of having to open the Paradox launcher.

(Don't expect this update too soon)

Added with caf331b. Closing this issue now.