Long-term video motion temporal super resolution

This is a onging research.

1. Introduction:

This research considered two tasks:

a.Long-term video temporal super resolution

Image of TSR

Real World Ground Truth Video with low temporal resolution Recovered Video
gt captured blk_gt tsr_dnn pred

b.Long-term video interpolation

Image of VI

Original Video Input Video with missing frames Recovered Video
gt captured blk_gt tsr_dnn pred

2. Problem Formulation:

a.Long-term video temporal super resolution


b.Long-term video interpolation


3. Basic Model:

a.Long-term video temporal super resolution


b.Long-term video interpolation


3. Basic Model Result:

a.Long-term video temporal super resolution

temporal super resolution rate as 4(green frames is given, red frames are missing)

Methods Running boxing clapping waving
Ground Truth captured captured captured captured
Ours captured captured captured captured
Niklaus et al. captured captured captured captured

b.Long-term video interpolation

Given first 5 frames and last 5 frames, we can interpolate 10 frames in the middle
(green frames is given, red frames are missing)

gt gt