
Error building project on .net sdk 7.0

rozv11e opened this issue · 8 comments


built using powershell and visual studio, asks for the previous version

Addon Version

.net 7.0

World of Warcraft Client

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Reproduction Steps

  1. Installed the folder with the bot using git
  2. Added MPQ files
  3. tried to build the solution with powershell
  4. Newtonsoft.Json packages and other non-registered versions of .net 7.0
  5. error NU1101 and NU1102

Last Good Version

No response


No response


No response

Hi be sure to

Then run the following commands in powershell

  • dotnet restore command to resolve the new packages
  • dotnet build --configuration Release --arch x86

Errors when building:\WowClassicGrindBot\PathingAPI\PathingAPI.csproj : error NU1102: Could not find package Newtonsoft.Json with version (>=
13.0.2) [C:\WowClassicGrindBot\MasterOfPuppets.sln]
C:\WowClassicGrindBot\PathingAPI\PathingAPI.csproj : error NU1102: - Found in Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages
Several versions already down (1) [ Latest version: 9.0.1 ] [C:\WowClassicGrindBot\MasterOfPuppets.sln] and so on

Did what you said,
same mistakes

net7 seems to only be built under win10, win7 does not support

net7 seems to only be built under win10, win7 does not support

Related changes

Yes, rozv11e is probably using win7 so build error

net7 seems to only be built under win10, win7 does not support

Related changes

That was an oversight on my part.

Nonetheless for me the gained benefits overweight the losses in this regard.

If you wish to keep use win 7 / win 8.1 os, you have the option to roll back until 03ffced

Used win10

oh sorry, I lost the source of the packages, I just noticed it now
the problem was that)))