
xiaomi-flashable-firmware-creator exits with "is not a valid ROM file."

IeP4nieF opened this issue · 3 comments


I tried to create a flashable ROM (firmware + vendor) for tissot. I used this ROM to achive this.


(checked both versions, fastboot an recovery)

   $ xiaomi_flashable_firmware_creator -V miui_TISSOT_V10.0.24.0.PDHMIXM_bcbbe1fad4_9.0.zip
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "$HOME/.local/bin/xiaomi_flashable_firmware_creator", line 10, in <module>
      File "$HOME/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xiaomi_flashable_firmware_creator/xiaomi_flashable_firmware_creator.py", line 39, in main
        firmware_creator = FlashableFirmwareCreator(zip_, process, output)
      File "$HOME/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xiaomi_flashable_firmware_creator/firmware_creator.py", line 60, in __init__
      File "$HOME/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xiaomi_flashable_firmware_creator/firmware_creator.py", line 89, in init
        f"{self.input_file} is not a valid ROM file. Exiting..")
    RuntimeError: miui_TISSOT_V10.0.24.0.PDHMIXM_bcbbe1fad4_9.0.zip is not a valid ROM file. Exiting..

Of course I used the newest Version of xiaomi-flashable-firmware-creator from git.

Expected behaviour: Create a flashable zip-file.

Unfortunately, Android One devices ROMs aren't supported since it doesn't have updater-script file and use payload.bin instead of the standard zip scheme.

Ok, thanks for the explanation.

Perhaps it should be mentioned under the FAQ (https://xiaomifirmwareupdater.com/faq/), that Android One devices are not supported.

BTW: An explanation what the difference between firmware and vendor zips are, would be also good, in the FAQ. As far as I can see, the vendor-images contains the firmware with addition of boot and vendor. So why should someone install the firmware-package?

@IeP4nieF Actually supported devices are listed here https://xiaomifirmwareupdater.com/supported/firmware

Yeah you're right. Flashing firmware only is the default since not all custom roms ship vendor.