
Bluetooth Not turning on Surface Pro 7 (MacOs Ventura)

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On my Hackintosh Surface pro 7 my bluetooth doesn't turn on, when i turn it on in settings the switch just turns off (macOS Ventura) btw already tried fixing with YouTube videos and more still not working FIX PLEASE

I'm sorry but BigSurface contains no code about bluetooth & wifi. They are managed by IntelBluetoothFirmware (https://github.com/OpenIntelWireless/IntelBluetoothFirmware) and IntelBTPatcher (https://github.com/acidanthera/BrcmPatchRAM)
You should consult to their installation instructions for trouble shooting. (ref https://openintelwireless.github.io/IntelBluetoothFirmware/FAQ.html#what-additional-steps-should-i-do-to-make-bluetooth-work-on-macos-monterey-and-newer)
Also, something might be helpful: make sure your bluetooth device is recognized in macOS. (In hackintool's USB section, the bluetooth is shown as a USB device and marked as internal)

Hi @JadenMishael I have an up to date EFI for the SP7 that has Bluetooth working out of the box. See below:
Xiashangning is right, Bluetooth is not related to this kext and is instead a combination of other kexts and settings.