
KP when hot plugging keyboard/turning off/rebooting in Ventura

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In Ventura, KP happens when hot plugging keyboard
Meanwhile, when turning off the computer or rebooting, the computer will reboot and show "Your computer restarted because of a problem". I think it is because when disconnecting the keyboard, KP happens as hot plugging.
Release v6.4 says that "Fixed KP on Ventura for TypeCover.", but when using v6.5 this problem still happens. I'm wondering.
P.S. My Kexts of BigSurface include following:(PlugIns/)VoodooGPIO.kext, (PlugIns/)VoodooSerial.kext, (PlugIns/)VoodooInput.kext, BigSurface.kext, (PlugIns/)BigSurfaceHIDDriver.kext, (PlugIns/)VoodooI2CServices.kext
P.S.2 Hope you to read CN because the EN edition may not express properly.
在Mac OS Ventura中,仍存在热插拔键盘后产生KP重启的状况
6.4 Release中说已修复“KP on Ventura for TypeCover”,但是目前使用6.5时仍出现问题,不知为什么