

Opened this issue · 2 comments

(IDK how to express this in english, so plz read chinese)
在Ventura下安装的IPTSDaemon触控出现问题,具体体现如标题:在单指触控/使用Surface Pen时,可能出现光标不跟手指走的情况,并且在使用单指/双指时,可能出现多指手势,即存在幽灵判定

Translation:"There is a problem with the touch control of IPTSDaemon installed under Ventura, as shown in the title: When touching with one finger/using Surface Pen, the cursor may not follow the finger, and when using one finger/two fingers, multiple problems may occur. Pointing gesture means there is a ghost judgment
Another: The computer touch screen is normal (under Windows)"

Translated by Google Translate

I can confirm this, but as macOS does not have multi-touch support, macOS can get insane while handling "2 mouses" (as supposed to 2 touches)