
Stuck when Boot Surface Laptop 3

Closed this issue · 14 comments

I just stuck here when Using BigSurface.kext, after research try and error i know the problem is "VoodooSerial.kext". When i disabled this kext, it can boot but no battery, keyboard and touchpad.

Currently i am using Ventura with OpenCore 0.9.0

WhatsApp Image 2023-03-22 at 21 30 24

Have you added Surface-SSDT?

Yes, i already add it. In IOREG when i disable VoodooSerial.kext i can see "ALS0, ADP0, BAT0 and IPTS". When 4 of these device is shown then it mean SSDT is loaded, right??


I don't know if this picture will help, but this is the version all controller firmware

It is strange. Usually VoodooSerial will not have this kind of problem. What I can see that is abnormal is the duplicated line for VoodooUART at the bottom... There should only be one line, maybe this indicates VoodooSerial is being loaded twice?
I do have a lot of SL3 users, yet they report no issue like this. Can you attach your IOReg? (without BigSurface being loaded)

HIN’s MacBook Pro.ioreg.zip

Here is the ioreg output without "BigSurface.kext and plugin"

I need your OC config

I need your OC config

Any info yet? Is it related to firmware of the notebook or hardware?

Delete ECEnabler, CpuTscSync, RestrictEvents and try again

Also, XOSI is not needed.
Personally speaking, its your config's problem, not BigSurface's

Do you have any SL3 user use BigSurface.kext in Ventura?? Maybe link repository of them?

Also, XOSI is not needed.
Personally speaking, its your config's problem, not BigSurface's

If XOSI or darwin for Windows 10 is not applied then you will see about lot of failure GPIO match from I2C or serial controll in logs

Delete ECEnabler, CpuTscSync, RestrictEvents and try again

AFAI, i have tried disable ECEnabler, CPUTSC and RestrictEvent, IntelBluetooth, IntelBTPatcher, itlwm and CPUFriend but it always stuck if i enable plugin of BigSurface.kext (VoodooSerial) . I have tried only enable VITAL kext like Lilu, VirtualSMC, WhateverGreen

It is really weird...
There are some working configs for SL3 on github. Like this one https://github.com/WhyToFly/SurfaceLaptop3-OpenCore
So that is why I think that the problem is not from BigSurface's part.