
[ERROR] Issue with Bit Width Exceeding Limit in HLS Stream as Intermediate Variable

hanghug opened this issue · 0 comments


I am encountering an issue while using hls::stream as an intermediate variable in my project. The compiler is indicating that the bit width is too large, exceeding the 4096 limit. Here's the context of my problem:

I created my own data structure, similar to hls::vector. Below is the relevant code snippet:

#ifdef __SYNTHESIS__
#define SYN_PRAGMA(PRAG) _Pragma(#PRAG)

template <typename T, unsigned N>
struct array {
    typedef T value_type;
    static const unsigned size = N;

    T data[N];

  INLINE void pragma() const {

    INLINE array() {
       SYN_PRAGMA(HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=this->data complete)

    // ... [Additional member functions]

Then, I declared a data type as follows:

typedef array<ap_fixed<32,8>, 512> input_t;
hls::stream<input_t> data_recv;
#pragma HLS STREAM variable=data_recv

However, when I declare a data stream wrapped with the input_t type inside a function, I encounter the aforementioned error, From the log file, I noticed the message:
"INFO: [HLS 214-241] Aggregating fifo (hls::stream) variable 'data_recv' with compact=bit mode."It seems to perform an Aggregate operation.
Is there a way to perform Disaggregate? I have not encountered this error when using Vivado HLS previously.