
Pytorch's ConvTranspose2d supported in DPU but accuracy degrades significantly. Is it expected?

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Faced issue during compilation using Apache TVM flow. Below code helps to have conv2d_transpose onto mod['tvmgen_default_vitis_ai_main_0'] but accuracy degrades significantly (maybe due to unexpected weight transpose happens during desired layout transformation). It works great if we don't have conv2d_transpose in desired layout dict or force to have 'NCHW' layout

desired_layouts = {
                  'nn.conv2d': ['NHWC', 'default'], 
                  'image.resize2d': ['NHWC'], 
                  'nn.conv2d_transpose': ['NCHW','default'],

Tried 'nn.conv2d_transpose': ['NCHW','OIHW'] & 'nn.conv2d_transpose': ['NCHW','HWIO'] but no luck. And not sure if it is a known bug
