
apa102 module not implemented in firmware - potential fix

Xendi opened this issue · 6 comments

Xendi commented

apa102 module is not available in firmware.

Uploading a generic Dotstar driver ( allows the LED to be accessed easily like so:

import time
from generic_dotstar import SpiDotStar as SPIDotStar
from machine import SPI, Pin

clock = Pin(39)
data = Pin(40)
num_pixels = 1

print('Testing MicroPython 1.10 SPI DotStar Compatibility Class')

spi = SPI(2, sck=clock, mosi=data, baudrate=1000000)
pixelp = SPIDotStar(spi, num_pixels)
pixelp[0] = (0, 255, 0)
r, g, b = pixelp[0]

Best not to use the HW SPI as it is also defined in for use with st7735. Better to use SoftSPI instead.

Maybe this SPI is already occupied by the screen. Modifying the SPI index number may solve it.

I did try using the other SPIs.
but two of them are used by the board (for flash/mem IIRC) the other one returned with an 'invalid configuration' no matter what I tried.

could you provide a working example using one of the other HW SPIs ?

SPI0 has been occupied by flash, you can use SPI1 or SPI2 or directly use the ready-made driver library

Ah yes, FastLED, but I'm using micropython.

I can't get SPI1 to work though, it returns with invalid configuration...

Thank you for the hint. I use SoftSPI with MISO=37 and everything works fine at the same time with a display.