
Which board to select on PlatformIO?

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I have been using ttgo-lora32-v1, and it has worked, but I figured it would make sense to ask, since I haven't seen a definitive answer and the TTGO T-Display doesn't match any of the board names available on platform IO directly.

Having this as part of the guide could be useful, especially with an example for both the 4Mb version and 16Mb

You can use the following settings to successfully use this board with PlatformIO:

platform = espressif32
board = esp32dev

The team at PlatformIO has stubbornly been ignoring requests to support this board for 3 years now, so I wouldn't wait for an official listing.

Lilygo T-Display S3 is now supported in PlatformIO out-of-the-box with "board = lilygo-t-display-s3" in platformio.ini

Note that the T-Display non-S3 isn't supported in PlatformIO but a workaround is described here :

speed shoud lower, if enrounter fatal-error-occurred-invalid-head-of-packet error

#upload_speed = 921600  #too higher
upload_speed = 460800