
Environment Marker not shown

Closed this issue ยท 14 comments

magiva commented

same as bug reported: 245

I have 3.0.1 and no change. no banner shows no matter what i do.
if i can help with logs, stats etc then just point me in the right direction and ill help where i can

have you tried creating a new environment marker for another website? in particular one with an easy layout, like wikipedia.

you can check if the additional permissions are set to true:

you can also check if the background script is running, which was the actual culprit, by debugging the addon via the menu entry:

magiva commented

permissions are set as you have shown.
script is running

i created a new environment marker for github and for wikipedia

magiva commented

is there anything in inspector that would be useful.
i took a look but didnt see any activity

magiva commented

hmmm so interesting.....
i created a marker for wikipedia as suggested
i opened a new tab with control T and typed wikipedia and pressed enter
google opened with results and the marker was there.
i clicked on the wikipedia link, marker did not show (if i clicked refresh then it did show)
i went back to google result... marker did not show

when i came back to this page to update this, the github marker was showing.
i went back to the wikipedia google results page and it was then showing the marker, i clicked wikipedia page and no marker
i refreshed and marker then showed

i mean what you can try too is deactivating all extensions besides environment markers.
once i had a problem that the extension for keepass fucked up xml rendering for example.
just to make sure the issue is not related to something else.

can you show the marker for wikipedia? on your screenshot i only see github

magiva commented


i tested wikipedia with the same marker as you, google results shows it, wiki website shows it, and going back shows it again too.
guess you will have to wait for XjSv for further assistance, but at least some things could already be ruled out ^^

magiva commented

So repeatable method is google wikipedia, refresh the page, click link.... no marker... refresh... marker shows

disabled all addons... marker shows as expected
re-enabled and repeated process of
load google with search of wikipedia, see marker, refresh google page, click wikipedia link... no marker / is marker
the refresh seemed important as i got inconsistent results first time of doing this.

i initially detailed the addons that caused it to fail but i see it was wrong.

if i repeat the process of google wikipedia - see marker, click wikipedia weblink, see marker, click back....repeat
its not consistent.
i can do this cycle 5 times and 3 of those times it consistently shows in both google results and the wikipedia page.

magiva commented

container tab definietly breaks it though :)

XjSv commented

First of all thanks to @BlackMagicCoding for taking the lead on this, your questions were very helpful.

@magiva From reading the comments it seems to be some kind of loading or timing issue at first glance.

At the core of this extension there is the background script that listens for chrome.tabs.onUpdated, so when a tab is updated and the status is changeInfo.status === 'complete' then the URL is checked and a marker applied if a match is found.

From what you are explaining, I'm just wondering that when you click the link from Google, does the page finish loading? Because the weird part is that when you refresh the page the marker shows up.

By the way what Browser are you using?
I will also investigate the tab container not working. Maybe there is a work around for that. It could be some sort of permission issue.

magiva commented
XjSv commented

@magiva I can confirm that the issue happens when using containers as you described. When navigating back in history and then clicking the link again from the Google results it seems like there is something wrong.

XjSv commented

@magiva I'm struggling with reproducing the issue again. Initially I got it to reproduce once while playing around with going back and forth in history. I thought this was a MacOS only related bug because that's where I was able to trigger the issue. But after further tests I'm still struggling. Can you provide me with some additional information like what OS are you using, and what browser including the version?

OS: MacOS, Windows, Linux? What version?
Browser: Firefox, Chrome, Edge? Are you using the latest version?
Extension Settings:
1 - Is RegExp enabled in the settings?
2 - How are those 2 markers configured? I just need the URL fragment.

XjSv commented

Closing the issue due to inactivity. Feel free to open a new issue if the problem comes up again.