
the save video node reports an error

Closed this issue · 5 comments

When executing to the last frame, the save video node reports an error message of "TypeError: must be real number, not NoneType", unable to store the video file.

Comfyui has been upgraded to the latest version, Python 3.10.11
Thank you very much for making the plugin,Thank you for your help

XmYx commented

can you try refreshing the page, and right click - fix node on the videosave node?

I have tried the fix node, but after clicking on it, the cached frame is lost and there is still no video file stored.

XmYx commented

make sure to remove deforum from the venv / outside of venv

(pip uninstall -y deforum)

Then update via the manager.

After reinstalling and upgrading Deforum, the problem still did not solve. Later, I reinstalled Comfyui and then installed Deforum. The problem was resolved, which may be related to the dependent environment, but I am not sure where the problem is. Thank you very much for your reply and the support provided by Deferum.