
Block problem

Heyula opened this issue · 4 comments

There are five blocks in the created module .

  • Block Top
  • Block Random
  • Block Hits
  • Block New
  • Block Last

but only the last added block works.

These blocks don't work :

  • Block Top
  • Block Random
  • Block Hits
  • Block New

When I activate the block, the following error occurs


block new: the date problem is fixed.

block random: is working as it should, as far as I see.

for blocks "top" and "hits":
I / modulebuilder do not know how you define "top" or "hits" and what names the field with the necessary data have.
Therefore modulebuilder takes and example name (e.g. "art_hits"). you must decide yourself how you define the necessary fields and adapt then the code lines.

I will create a new module and report the results.

Hi ggoffy;
All blocks are now working.
Thank you so much.


Thank you for feedback