
Ulaunch crashes Switch

GoldRustt opened this issue · 8 comments

No mater what I do this crashes my switch now, it is unusable.

As with any major update, this is known and expected. Just wait

Do you know what firmware made it start to crash the Switch? I might rollback for now.

Not a clue. Don't use this myself

Well considering this is abandonware, I'll just have to pick a random firmware and hope for the best lol.

One, afaik this is still being worked on, just not a heavy priority
Two. For the stability of your switch, I would heavily suggest not doing that. Horizon is not designed to be downgraded and therefore has many times changed the internal format of things like system saves or other system files. Downgrading to one that doesn't support the new format after running one that changes it is a recipe for a lot of crashing

Damn, well thank you for the information.

I think that the author updated it. I have no problems on my side with atmosphere 1.5.2 and FW 16

Should be fixed on the new release