
Add icon seems to be blank

Closed this issue · 6 comments

func _ready():
	$Header/Value.icon = get_icon('Add', 'EditorIcons')

seems to return a blank icon

See updated README. 🙂

In short, this is meant to be used in editor plugins. Plain tool scripts require more sophisticated approach, but relies on internal EditorNode. And this won't work in a game/exported projects.

Here's a shorter version:

extends Node2D

func _draw():
	if Engine.editor_hint:
		var editor_gui_base = get_tree().get_root().get_child(0).get_gui_base()
		draw_texture(editor_gui_base.get_icon('Add', 'EditorIcons'), Vector2())

ok ty

@Xrayez wait do I have to draw the node or can I just set it?

@Shadowblitz16 the snippet above is just an easy way to showcase the feature, Control.get_icon() returns a texture, so this can be used everywhere where Texture resource is accepted. This includes draw_texture() above and things like $Button.icon, or even $Sprite.texture.

@Xrayez I was just wondering because it still doesn't seem to work

@Shadowblitz16 try this minimal project editor_icon_in_tool_script.zip, this should work in editor:


Perhaps we have a misunderstanding here. If you run a project from within the editor, this is expected that this won't work, this only works directly in the editor. 😛

And this functionality is not dependent on the plugin in either case.

If this doesn't work in the editor when you switch to 2D tab, then that's indeed a bug. If so, then please provide exact Godot version you're using to debug this further.