
Some problems with saving icons

Opened this issue · 1 comments

  1. it always saves the file as select any icon..png instead of {icon_name}.png or something similar
  2. you have to manually put the save path in order to save and the text box it really small and uncomfotable to use. having a popup where you select the folder would be nice (use a FileDialog node)
  3. it's generally unclear which icon im saving. the preview disappears as soon as you stop hovering over the icon

Btw, note that if you improve the saving icons as png aspect of this plugin, it would solve some of the caveats you mentioned in the the documation, like icons not being useable outside the editor \ plugin scripts.

I've updated this plugin extensively, so all the issues you've mentioned have been addressed. Check out the new version of EditorIconPreviewer:
