
xtheme.conf.example chanserv block verifiedaccess

Casey952 opened this issue · 0 comments

ChanServ block verifiedaccess is not in line with the rest. Needs an extra tab for the verifiedaccess section.

chanserv {
	/* (*)nick
	 * The nickname we want the client to have.
	nick = "ChanServ";

	/* (*)user
	 * The username we want the client to have.
	user = "ChanServ";

	/* (*)host
	 * The hostname we want the client to have.
	host = "services.int";

	/* (*)real
	 * The GECOS of the client.
	real = "Channel Services";

	/* reggroup
	 * The group that will receive Memos about
	 * channel Registration requests when
	 * chanserv/moderate is loaded.
	 * NOTE: Requires GroupServ to be loaded
	#reggroup = "!ServicesTeam-ChannelAdmins";

	/* (*)aliases
	 * Command aliases for ChanServ.
	aliases {

	/* (*)access
	 * Command access changes for ChanServ.
	access {

	/* (*)maxchans
	 * What are the maximum channels that one username can register?
	maxchans = 5;

	/* fantasy
	 * Do you want to enable fantasy commands? This can
	 * use a lot of CPU up, and will only work if you have
	 * join_chans (in general) enabled as well.

  /* verifiedaccess
   * Do you want to allow un-verified users to get flags
   * or access on channels?  You can uncomment this to ensure
   * that only verified users are able to get channel access.
   * (Un-verified accounts expire within 24 hours of registration
   * when 'auth' is set to email anyway.)  This also encourages
   * your users to complete verification and use valid email
   * addresses.

	/* (*) hide_xop
	 * Hide the XOP templates from sight.  This is useful if you
	 * want to use templates and not have the XOP templates displayed.

	/* (*) templates
	 * Defines what flags the global templates comprise.
	 * For the special XOP templates:
	 * These should all be different and not equal to the empty set,
	 * except that hop may be equal to vop to disable hop.
	 * Each subsequent level should have more flags (except +VHO).
	 * For optimal functioning of /cs forcexop, aop should not have
	 * any of +sRf, hop should not have any of +sRfoOr and vop should
	 * not have any of +sRfoOrhHt.
	 * If this is not specified, the values of Xtheme 0.3 are used,
	 * which are generally less intuitive than these.
	 * Note: changing these leaves the flags of existing channel access
	 * entries unchanged, thus removing them of the view of /cs xop list.
	 * Usually the channel founder can use /cs forcexop to update the
	 * entries to the new levels.
	 * Advice:
	 * If you want to add a co-founder role, remove the flags permission
	 * from the SOP role, and define a co-founder role with flags
	 * permissions.
	templates {
		vop = "+AV";
		hop = "+AHehitrv";
		aop = "+AOehiortv";
		sop = "+AOaefhiorstv";

		founder = "+AFORaefhioqrstv";

		/* some examples (which are commented out...) */
		#member = "+Ai";
		#op = "+AOiortv";

	/* (*) deftemplates
	 * Defines default templates to set on new channels, as a
	 * space-separated list of name=+flags pairs.
	 * Note: at this time no syntax checking is done on this; it
	 * is your own responsibility to make sure it is correct.
	#deftemplates = "MEMBER=+Ai OP=+AOiortv";

	/* (*) changets
	 * Change the channel TS to the registration time when someone
	 * recreates a registered channel, ensuring that they are deopped
	 * and all their modes are undone. Note that this involves ChanServ
	 * joining. When the channel was not recreated no deops will be done
	 * (apart from the SECURE option).
	 * This also solves the "join-mode" problem where someone recreates
	 * a registered channel and then sets some modes before they are
	 * deopped.
	 * This is currently supported for charybdis, hybrid, ratbox,
	 * bahamut and inspircd 1.1+. For charybdis, hybrid and ratbox
	 * it only fully works with TS6, with TS5 bans and last-moment modes
	 * will still apply.
	 * (That can also be used to advantage, when first enabling this.)

	/* (*) trigger
	 * This setting allows you to change the trigger prefix for
	 * ChanServ's in-channel command feature (disableable via chanserv::fantasy).
	 * If no setting is provided, the default is used, which is "!".
	 * Other settings you could consider trying: ".", "~", "?", "`", "'".
	trigger = "!";

	/* (*)expire
	 * The number of days before inactive registrations are expired.
	expire = 30;

	/* (*)maxchanacs
	 * The maximum number of entries allowed in a channel's access list
	 * (both channel ops and akicks), 0 for unlimited.
	maxchanacs = 0;

	/* (*)maxfounders
	 * The maximum number of founders allowed in a channel.
	 * Note that all founders have the exact same privileges and
	 * the list of founders is shown in various places.
	maxfounders = 4;

	/* (*)founder_flags
	 * The flags a user will get when they register a new channel.
	 * This MUST include at least 'F' or it will be ignored.
	 * If it is not set, Xtheme will give the user all channel flags.
	#founder_flags = "AFORefiorstv";

	/* (*)akick_time
	 * The default expiration time (in minutes) for AKICKs.
	 * Comment this option out or set to zero for permanent AKICKs
	 * by default (the old behaviour).
	#akick_time = 10;

	/* (*)suspend_time
	 * The default expiration time (in minutes) for SUSPEND ADDs.
	 * Comment this option out or set to zero for permanent SUSPENDs
	 * by default (the old behaviour).
	#suspend_time = 10;

	/* (*)antiflood_enforce_method
	 * The enforcement method to use for flood protection by default.
	 * This may be overridden by channel staff.
	 * Available options are: quiet, kickban and akill.
	antiflood_enforce_method = quiet;