
A Xcode plugin to help you find/search something more quickly and more conveniently.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


QuickFind is a Xcode plugin to help you find/search something more conveniently and makes your CMD + F more powerful, in QuickFind's world, CMD + F = (CMD + E) + (CMD + G) and CMD + F = (CMD + G)

###Before: When you want to find something in source code, you may select some text first, and press CMD + E, then press CMD + G to find next.

###Now using QuickFind: Now with QuickFind, you just need to select something, and press CMD + F, QuickFind will open the find bar, put what you selected in the find bar and start to find the next one. You can also press CMD + F again and again to find the next one (just forget CMD + E and CMD + G, you may only need CMD + F ), just like this:

#Install and configuration 3 steps:

  1. Install QuickFind. Install QuickFind in Alcatraz (recommend), or open up your terminal and paste this:

        curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qiaoxueshi/QuickFind/master/install.sh | sh

    Of course you also can clone this project, and build your own.

  2. Remove defualt Find shortcut. Open Xcode - Preferences - Key Binding, remove Shortcut of 'Find' (default is CMD + F)

  3. Add shortcut for QuickFind. Open System Preferences - KeyBoard - Shortcuts - App Shortcuts, add a shortcut for Qucick Find like this:

    When you open Find menu again, you will see:

    Done, enjoy~