I want to introduce this project in a following order: file structure, APIs and future needs. We can Access the Swagger UI by entering http://localhost/docs once we start the container.
- It is a FastAPI app
- PostgreSQL integration using SQLAlchemy
- Dockerfile and docker-compose integation
docker-compose up --build
should start this service.
Whenever modify the code, we need to restart this image and we should be able to tell the updates.
—- Fastapi
-- app
—- crud.py
—- database.py
—- main.py
—- models.py
—- schema.py
—- docker-compose.yml
—- Dockerfile
—- requirement.txt
—- README.md
-- README.html
I believe we only need to change the following four files: curd.py, main.py, models.py, and schema.py. The rest of files are for configration purposes.
curd.py coordinates the internal services about extract out and inject data into the postgreSQL database, which is the only place we interact with the database directly.
main.py provides APIs interacting with the client.
schema.py and models.py are a pair of class helping determine how to store the data. They usually looks very similar except for different purposes. schema.py provides a data frame for main.py, and models.py provides a dataframe for PostgreSQL databases which tells how database create tables.
Here are some concret examples:
- In the curd.py, this is a common process of inject data into the database:
def save_nudges_configuration(db: Session, config: schema.Configuration):
config_model = models.Configuration(**config.dict())
return config_model
- In the main.py, we can start a simple API by the following code:
def read_root():
return {"Hello": "World 10"}
- In the schema.py, we could define a data frame for the service:
class Configuration(BaseModel):
modelUrl: str
frequency: int
federated: bool
class Config:
orm_mode = True
- In the model.py, we could define a data frame for creaing Configuration table:
class Configuration(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Configuration'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True, autoincrement = True)
modelUrl = Column(String)
frequency = Column(Integer)
federated = Column(Boolean)
For APIs, it is easy to visit http://localhost/docs for a Swagger UI, but I want to give a berif introduction here.
Generally, All the current APIs serve the purpose of replacing ConnectionDict class in BwBase.py.
We assume we will provide each widget a unique Id. Slot and ConnectionId are the esential components in order to mimic the functionalities of ConnectionDict class.
Each Unique id, slot and connectionId will become an entry in the table.
- We could inject new entry into the ConnectionDict table.
- Forbid Repetition entry
- Autoincreate primary key for ConnectionDict table
This function serves for the purpose of adding entries in the ConnectionDict table.
- This is an API only for development
- return all entries from the connectionDict table
- This is an API only for development
- return the specific entry if exist in the table otherwise it should return empty list
- This is an API only for development
- delete all entries from the connectionDict table
- Delete one specific entry or delete every entry associated with one slot
- Handles erroes when we cannot find the entry we want to delete
This function serves for the purpose of deleting entries in the ConnectionDict table.
- Return Boolean whether a slot connect with certain connectionId
This function serves for the purpose of checking connectivity for a slot and connectionId.
- Return Boolean whether a slot connect with certain widget
This function serves for the purpose of checking connectivity for slot and widget
- This API has already capable of replacing the existing class with some assumptions. I modified the widget manager in order to give them unique widget Id for the purpose of identification. However, we could also put this part of the code inside of the APIs. We will make another table for that purpose.
- We could reconsider how to setup the table.
- Test for more cases.