
Bug: Scrollbar stays in place when resizing the window in a vertical split.

LeeWannacott opened this issue · 2 comments

When using a vertically split window doing a vertical resize results in the scrollbar staying in place and not resizing with the window.

Refer to image below:

I'm using Neovim version 0.5.0.


How to reproduce?

There is a third scrollbar to the right that is not showing because the window is out of focus while taking screenshot.

I'm not 100% sure how to reproduce, other than play around with the :Vex and :Sex commands and possibly :vertical resize, maybe it has something to do with netrw.

Sometimes I don't have a scrollbar on the window at all. Sometimes it works fine and the scrollbar resizes to the window when scrolled and sometimes I end up with three hanging scrollbars in one window. I think it has something to do splits.

Sorry I can't give exact directions. Feel free to close issue if you can't reproduce.
