
.Net Core

JFronny opened this issue · 5 comments

It would be useful to provide .Net Core builds in the NuGet package. I use this in an application i want to migrate and this is one of the only packages that do not support .Net Core


Sorry for that, I'll work on it and let another message when it'll be done.

Well was faster to do than I thought, please tell me if it works properly for you.
You can find the NuGet package here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/BooruSharp/1.4.7

Seems to work well! The only thing is that VS doesn't recognize it as NetCore. I think it wants you to copy the DLL over to another folder inside lib (not net45). I found DSharpPlus to place it in "netstandard2.0". That seems to work for their package

(On a side note: I'll try to see if I can make VS reconize it as a .Net Core project when I'll have some time)

The project is now fully upgraded to .NET Standard