
Problem when inserting yag plugin into news item

larp-welt opened this issue ยท 9 comments

I'm using small galeries inside of news elements. That worked fine until I did some updates. I'm not shure, if it is a problem with yag or the news extension. I give it a try here.

When I add the plugin as content element into the news element, I get no error. But when I click the content element and try to expand it, the progress bar stops short for the end and never ends.

A second click on the content element opens content element. But the source tab from yag keeps without any function. It look's like there are some JS and CSS missing.

I'm using:

  • Typo3 7.6.6
  • YAG 4.1.2
  • News system (news) 4.2.1
  • pt_extlist 2.3.0
  • pt_extbase 2.2.0

bildschirmfoto vom 2016-07-12 20-04-42

bildschirmfoto vom 2016-07-12 19-55-37

Apparently, jQuery is not available at that point. At least my debugger moves me in this direction.

Is there something, I can do about this? I'm not very fit with Typo3... it's just a hobby!

I'm still not shure, if this is a issue with YAG, News or Typo3 itself!

I've just updated to News System 5.2.0 - still the same problem! :-(

Same problem here :(
Is there maybe another way to add the gallery to the news?

@SuddenlyRust: There is a simple but not so nice work around!

Short version: Create the content element inside news form, then go to list view to edit it!

Long version:

1.) create the gallery you want to use in a news item
2.) create your news entry
3.) create the content element inside the news. choosing the yag plugin as type
4.) give it a nice name to find it again... ;-)
5.) go to list view
6.) locate the content element you just added.
7.) click on the content element in list view to open it. All works fine now!
8.) make all configuration you need
9.) remove the name, if you don't want it
10.) save it...

In my humbling opinion, this proofs, the problem is just a problem with the backend view...

Thank you very much @larp-welt. This works like a charm. Maybe not very user friendly to add a yag-album to the news but it works ๐Ÿ‘

Hello guys.

Just wanted to inform that this problem still exist in the current version. I am using following settings:
TYPO3 Core version: 7.6.13
yag 4.1.2
news 5.2.0

Problem explanation:
First of all. Both extensions work completly fine stand alone. The problem is following when I want to use a yag-album (or what ever) as a Content Element inside a News-Record. It won't work on the normal way.

Steps to recreate this bug:
Step 1: Select a News-record in the backend

Step 2: Choose the second tab "Content Elements"
Step 3: Click on "Create new"

Step 4: Select "Insert Plugin" as Type in the Content Element. A refresh is required and it should look like in the picture below.

Step 5: In the second tab "Plugin" you choose now "YAG - Yet Another Gallery". A refresh is required and now the problem starts. I get following error message:

Somehow JQuery is not loaded in the backend here. Or at least that is what I think. But it is impossible because it's called from "jquery-2.1.4.js:8605". I have really no idea how this is possible.
This happens every time and because of this reason it is now not possible to select a Gallery or Album from the yag extension

But @larpwelt (or @larp-welt maybe the same person) found a work around to add the yag content element into it and it works completely fine. I am very inexperienced and have no idea how to fix this problem. Maybe someone here can look at it. Both extensions are awesome and it would be really great if we could use them easy together.

Here is a instruction to add it another way (not very comfortable):

  1. Do all steps like previous and save it. (Short: Create a content element inside the news record and choose its type as yag-plugin)
  2. Go into the List view.
  3. Select "Display information" on the right side of the news record. It's a button with a "i" on it. Now a popup window appears with various information about this record
  4. Scroll down. There are all references of the item
  5. Click on edit of the content element (what we created on step 1)
  6. Click on the second tab "Plugin" and choose as Plugin Options the tab "Source"
  7. Volla. Now its possible to choose a gallery.

Now with this method it is possible to add yag into a news record. And it works fine and is displayed in the front end.

I hope this instruction can help someone. (I just copied this from the news issue forum)
Thank you very much for your time.

Best regard,


I did an update on my site to Typo3 7.6.18 - problem is still there! :-(

I'm using YAG 4.2.1 and News 6.0.0.

Ok, after all steps and select the right album in the news item, how can i show it in fluid ? like e.g. <f:format.html>{newsItem.bodytext}</f:format.html> ?