Enhance journal functions of Logseq (Beside Journal Title and 2 Lines Calendar etc...)
Pinned issues
- 0
- 3
- 7
[FR] Add a yearly journal
#147 opened by mathisgauthey - 5
- 1
- 0
- 1
First block of weekly template is duplicated
#122 opened by YU000jp - 1
Weekly Journal > This Week section: Adopt a layout that allows simultaneous viewing
#145 opened by YU000jp - 0
- 0
Weekly Journal: New Feature "Headline of each days"
#143 opened by YU000jp - 2
Not working "Show indicator (dot) of journal entries"
#141 opened by YU000jp - 12
Feature Request: Add Quarterly Hierarchy
#140 opened by HeatDeathOfUniverse - 1
Weekly Journal > 2023/W53 instead of 2023-W53
#126 opened by YU000jp - 2
Mobile compatibility
#139 opened by tanhoaian01 - 0
祝日の色マーカーをモード(ダーク、ライト)の切り替えに合わせる (背景色によって文字が読みにくくなる)
#135 opened by YU000jp - 9
Show Lunar Calendar date
#129 opened by yoghurtdewdew - 4
Top icons of other plugins seemed unclickable
#124 opened by yoghurtdewdew - 1
- 1
Journal Boundaries: Support holidays (option)
#132 opened by YU000jp - 7
- 3
- 3
- 9
Feature Embeding for Weekly Journal
#119 opened by nrobran - 7
Calendar not being responsive to journal width
#113 opened by senntore - 0
- 0
weekly title alternative
#116 opened by hodanli - 0
Add slash command
#89 opened by YU000jp - 1
- 1
bug report - weekly journal.
#111 opened by www2341 - 4
- 6
Click to a future date
#102 opened by minxu-nyc - 1
Journal Boundaries, Update by scrolling (Improve)
#104 opened by YU000jp - 3
Add an option in plugin settings to set the beginning of the week to either Monday or Sunday
#100 opened by YU000jp - 3
custom day range for 'before today' to 3 days instead of the minimum value of 5
#60 opened by YU000jp - 3
suggestion of weekly journal blank line option.
#96 opened by www2341 - 3
- 0
Add slash command `next year` `next month`
#90 opened by YU000jp - 0
Split to `Flex date format` plugin
#86 opened by YU000jp - 5
[FEATURE REQUEST] Only show week number
#84 opened by DutchPete - 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
If user date format is `yyyy/mm/dd`, Enable hierarchy link (split to 3 journal link)
#77 opened by YU000jp - 2
- 0
Not working Weekly Journal
#73 opened by YU000jp - 0
Support all date format
#70 opened by YU000jp - 2
- 1
[Weekly Journal] Add the previous and following months to page-tag property if date format `yyyy-MM-dd` or `yyyy/MM/dd`
#65 opened by YU000jp - 0
- 2
Displayed strange
#61 opened by yoghurtdewdew