
Menu in KeePassXC behaves strangely

Opened this issue · 4 comments

When opening the View menu and moving down the mouse over Theme, the Theme submenu opens. When going down further with the mouse, the View and Theme menus both close (despite the mouse still beeing within the menu).

Also, with an open menu, hovering over any other of the menu bar buttons closes the menu (but mouse leaving the menu does not).


Also, KeePassXC behaves strangely depending on display scale. On my scale 2.0 monitor, it's UI is way bigger in relation to other apps than on scale 1.0 monitors. On the scale 2.0 monitor, the menus seem to close immediately when going mouse into them.

Left: Firefox, right KeePassXC (on scale 2.0):

Left: Firefox, right KeePassXC (on scale 1.0):

System Information

KeePassXC - Version 2.7.6
Revision: dd21def

Qt 5.15.12
Debugging mode is disabled.

Operating system: Arch Linux
CPU architecture: x86_64
Kernel: linux 6.7.7-arch1-1

Enabled extensions:
- Auto-Type
- Browser Integration
- SSH Agent
- KeeShare
- YubiKey
- Secret Service Integration

Cryptographic libraries:
- Botan 3.3.0

I can reproduce this. Need to check what the focus is doing, might be grab related.

However, on scale 2 it's fine for me (there's the same problem with the menus).

On scale 2 I have two separate issues (maybe I should create a new ticket for the size one?).

  1. Application too big
  2. Menus are even more broken (I suspect, this might be resolved by resolving the menu issue on scale 1.0 though

You you reproduce 1.?

KeepassXC from Flatpak is not overly big on scale 2 for me and the menus behave the same as on scale 1.