
Certain types of transparent windows show background as the active border color rather than the desktop

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The issue

Certain windows with transparency (like Foot) show fine:


While others like Nautilus (& seemingly all other GTK4 apps) and Zed show the color of the border:



System Information

  • niri version: niri 0.1.6 (v0.1.6-56-g589e5a6)
  • Distro: EndeavourOS x86_64
  • GPU: AMD RX 6700XT
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X

This is because they don't signal server-side decoration support. You can override it with this window rule: https://github.com/YaLTeR/niri/wiki/Configuration:-Window-Rules#draw-border-with-background

That worked perfectly, thank you! Is there any reason that option isn't enabled by default?

Windows can be arbitrary shape, for example with rounded corners. Some apps keep them during the tiled state. So niri needs the window to explicitly signal that it uses server-side decorations to omit the border background.