Can someone give a simplest example of BFS?
petrasvestartas opened this issue · 1 comments
petrasvestartas commented
I have undirected-graph below, and try to compute bfs, but I do not how how to get the visited edges.
So far I have:
The test file is too difficult for me to understand in the GitHub repository.
//Create undirected graph
UndirectedGraph<string, Edge<string>> g = new UndirectedGraph<string, Edge<string>>();
for (int i = 0; i < U.Count; i++){
g.AddEdge(new QuickGraph.Edge<string>(U[i], V[i]));
var algo = new QuickGraph.Algorithms.Search.UndirectedBreadthFirstSearchAlgorithm<string, QuickGraph.Edge<string>>(g);
jnyrup commented
Here's a complete example:
UndirectedGraph<string, Edge<string>> g = new UndirectedGraph<string, Edge<string>>();
g.AddVerticesAndEdge(new Edge<string>("0", "1"));
g.AddVerticesAndEdge(new Edge<string>("0", "2"));
g.AddVerticesAndEdge(new Edge<string>("2", "3"));
var algo = new UndirectedBreadthFirstSearchAlgorithm<string, Edge<string>>(g);
var observer = new UndirectedVertexPredecessorRecorderObserver<string, Edge<string>>();
var rootVertex = "0";
using (observer.Attach(algo))
var targetVertex = "3";
bool foundPath = observer.TryGetPath(targetVertex, out IEnumerable<Edge<string>> path);
will then contain the two edges:
[0]: "0"->"2"
[1]: "2"->"3"