
Can you change it to a remote zip URL?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

/packages Can the folder be changed to the s3 zip url?
What do I need to rewrite,
Thanks for your help.

Completely getting rid of packages would be difficult. However, if you're okay with just changing the download URL, you could subclass Wpup_UpdateServer and override the filterMetadata() method.

For example, something like this:

protected function filterMetadata($meta, $request) {
    $meta = parent::filterMetadata($meta, $request);
    $meta['download_url'] = generateS3ZipUrlFromSlug($request->slug);
    return $meta;

You would still need to have the ZIP files in the packages folder, too, so that the update server can extract metadata like the version number and changelog from them.

Thanks for the reply, I'll give it a try. Thank you.