
Landscape to Portrait button position change layout issue

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Firstly I want to congratulate for this awesome plugin. It's really working perfectly but I am facing issue in layout while landscaping to the potrait mode, the segment button position change. If I click only another button the button position is looking good but firstly it looks quite odd because of the position.

Screenshot -

Before rotating (portrait)-

After Rotating (Landscape)

After again rotating (portrait), The issue is here-

After clicking another button fix the layout (portrait)-

**My Environment - **

  • Swift version: 5
  • iOS version: 12
  • Device: iPhone 6 Simulator
  • Xcode version: 10.2.1
    'Segmentio version: 3.3

It was fixed in this pull request #123 Check it when it is merged

rnkyr commented

closed via #123