
Library no cropping what it should

khrizt opened this issue · 10 comments


Implementing UCrop in my project I found a problem when cropping some images, I'm attaching the screenshots, hope they help:

Cropping the image


The result


Looks like rotates the image and does not get the correct coordinates. Maybe something with the meta-data of the images, sometimes I had problems with rotated images from Samsung or LG cameras.

How can I reproduce it? Do you touch/change image position before cropping?
Please attach the original image.

Sorry here is the original image and yep I change the image position before cropping


Attaching the image appeared in landscape format so it looks like it's something about meta-data rotation with attribute ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION.

Yeah, I could reproduce it on my device too. Seems to be issue with Exif properties.
I'll try to fix in the next update :)

Thanks man! I'll put it on my app on the next update.

@khrizt please try to use library version 2.1.0 - now EXIF data should be processed properly.

Thanks man, I'll give it a try and tell you something

Looks like everything is allright, I plan on adding your library to the release this week

the bug is still exists in 2.1.0 from SonyZ5

@zzxxasp please, attach an image so I can reproduce the bug.
