
How Cancel Photo Rotated

hexianqiao3755 opened this issue · 4 comments

How to hide the bottom view, so that the photos can not be rotated.

Hello @hexianqiao3755
Currently you can hide bottom view withUCrop.Options.setHideBottomControls(true) method.
However it won't disable rotation.
I've modified sources and in the next library update (soon) you will be able to set desired gestures via
UCrop.Options.setAllowedGestures(UCropActivity.SCALE, UCropActivity.SCALE, UCropActivity.SCALE); - you need to change only first parameter, because there are no "tabs".

Please check the latest uCrop version :octocat:
Now you can choose between:

Lightweight general solution
compile 'com.yalantis:ucrop:2.2.0' 
Get power of the native code to preserve image quality (+ about 1.5 MB to an apk size)
compile 'com.yalantis:ucrop:2.2.0-native'

hi @shliama
I'm trying to use your new version, solved rotate problem.
but, my app used FloatingActionButton location all appeared error.
error log:
Binary XML file line #135: Binary XML file line #135: Error inflating class android.support.design.widget.FloatingActionButton.
can you try.

Sorry but ucrop library doesnt support FloatingActionButton. I hope you solved your problem