
Will the uCrop support Android 15 16kb page size requirements?

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According to the official documentation https://developer.android.com/guide/practices/page-sizes all native libraries should be recompiled for this change.
The Android 15 was already released to AOSP.
Does the uCrop team have any plans to support these requirements?

I made a fork which supports 16KB page sizes. In addition to the small updates, I translated most of the code to kotlin.

Hi Jens, can you please bring back the onActivityResult?

I’m trying to use your fork with react-native-image-crop-picker and it relies on it.

I know it’s deprecated but I was wondering if you can bring it back and let the devs decide on what to use for activity.

(maybe the react-native-image-crop-picker team use your fork too)


Hi @efstathiosntonas, sorry but it has been marked as deprecated for a long time now and I do not want to confuse people by bringing it back. So I am not going to bring it back. I think it will be removed in some of the next Android releases.

Maybe you can ask the react-native-image-crop-picker team to use an ActivityResultLauncher. It should not be that complicated to change. However, I have no experience with using android libraries in react native.

If you need it immediately, you can make a fork of my fork and add the onActivityResult yourself. This is the PR where I removed the code: jens-muenker/uCrop-n-Edit@d33a1d2

@jens-muenker thanks for the update, totally understood. I've forked it and reverted the onActivityResult, works as charm with react-native-crop-picker, thank you for this fork.