
Unexpected Name "directive"

Opened this issue · 9 comments

Error caused by directive in graphql schema file

directive @authorized on FIELD_DEFINITION

Please tell me the schema of your server. I also want to check

directive @authorized on FIELD_DEFINITION

directive @goModel(model: String, models: [String!]) on OBJECT
    | SCALAR
    | ENUM
    | UNION

directive @goField(forceResolver: Boolean, name: String) on INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

type Group {
  id: ID!

input NewGroup {
  name: String!

type Mutation {
  createGroup(input: NewGroup!): Group! @authorized

same problem with "extend"
clientgen failed: : : ./editions/mutations.graphql:1: Unexpected Name "extend"

any plans to fix this issue? generating code from schema file becomes useless, because it fails if we use custom directives.

still broken - we also use custom directives. @Yamashou are you ready for review&merge fix PR with minimal functionality of skipping any directive keywords?

@glebsts I have not been able to replicate this case.
It would be helpful to have a repository with a minimum configuration that can reproduce this case

Problem seems to be in vektah/gqlparser. I'll go to its github..

Same problem on forceResolver directive