Question: ietf-interfaces@2018-02-20.yang deprecated parts?
maksimvuleta opened this issue · 1 comments
What is the purpose of the deprecated parts in the ietf-interfaces@2018-02-20.yang module?
The typedef interface-state-ref and container interfaces-state have the status deprecated.
Is it planned to remove this typedef and container from YANG module, or change the status to obsolete?
I do not see any purpose to have it in the yang data tree as the leaves from the container interfaces-state are already defined as the part of the container interfaces.
According to yang RFC 7950 you can only add new typedef. This is for backward compatibility.
For example - I am creating a module and importing ietf-interfaces because of that typedef but I am not defining revision for that import. I use that typedef in my module and later I would update all the imported modules to the latest ones. If I have followed all the rules of yang RFC then I should be able to do that. If that typedef would be removed I would not be able to use that module any more for my purposes.
The backward compatibility is very important in yang and this is why you should never removed any node typedef notification rpc or anything similar only deprecate it and then obsolete it later.
Miroslav kovac