
Apollo-Note/docs/perception/obstacles_lidar_4_hmtrack.md ComputeAssociateMatrixhas issue for advice

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Thank you very much for your summary and share.I would like to ask two questions in the Apollo/ Percetion/LIdar module:
The following source code, the path for "modules/perception/obstacle/lidar/tracker/hm_tracker/track_object_distance. cc" , when lidar track ComputeAssociateMatrixhas five factors, including: location_distance,direction_distance,bbox_size_distance,point_num_distance,histogram_distance. I want to ask whether there is any selection basis for selecting the 5 parameters for weighting. There are 5 default weights s_location_distance_weight_, s_direction_distance_weight_, s_bbox_size_distance_weight_, s_point_num_distance_weight_, s_histogram_distance_weight_ are where the selection is given**?
float TrackObjectDistance::ComputeDistance( ObjectTrackPtr track, const Eigen::VectorXf& track_predict, const std::shared_ptr<TrackedObject>& new_object) { // Compute distance for given trakc & object ....... float result_distance = s_location_distance_weight_ * location_distance + s_direction_distance_weight_ * direction_distance + s_bbox_size_distance_weight_ * bbox_size_distance + s_point_num_distance_weight_ * point_num_distance + s_histogram_distance_weight_ * histogram_distance; return result_distance; }

In the source code, association_(i, j) <= connected_threshold==4. What factors are considered in the selection of this connected_threshold=4?

Looking forward to your reply and best wishes!