
[th155] bitmap font problem

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  • 使用改版ttf黑体作为对话用字以保证竖排标点符号的效果。
  • 菜单字体无法使用(横排显示效果绝好调的)bmpfont_create_gui,只能使用bmpfont_create_guiplus,这会导致一些文字被削(参考thpatch/thcrap#98
  • 【疑似Bug】天子线、堇子线对话显示异常
  • 【暂时无解】英文拉丁字母显示问题(改ttf也不行)

Bitmap font problems:

  • use modified SimHei to adapt punctuations in vertical words.
  • Menu font cannot use bmpfont_create_gui and only bmpfont_create_guiplus is avaliable, this will cause some words are cut. (refer to thpatch/thcrap#98
  • [Bug?] Dialog of Tenshi and Usami are not usual
  • [can't solve now] latin script in vertical mode